My newest board game helper app, The Resistance Companion, launched today (app store link here). This is my newest board game helper since The Betrayal at House on the Hill Soundboard. Here is a video demo of the app:

This app is designed to take the setup out of playing The Resistance. I found a few slight but noticeable problems when playing The Resistance:

1. The instructions say to randomly select a Leader but the game has no dice or other random elements, so picking somebody would usually go like this:

Me: Jaime, pick a number 1 through 5 but don’t say it.
Jaime: 5.
Me: No I’m trying to- never mind. Myrcella, pick a number 1 through 5 but don’t-
Myrcella: 3!

Not a huge problem, and not a problem for everybody, but having the app handle this for you is a “nice to have”.

2. Reading out the part where everyone closes their eyes and the spies look for each other is a disadvantage for the narrator. I’ve narrated enough times that I have the speech down pretty well, but if I’m a spy and have to look around at 9 different people, my speech can sometimes stagger. It’s like if you’re on the phone with someone while you’re half watching a tv show; your speech slows down and you get a bit spacey. Especially if your fellow spies make some kind of funny face when they make eye contact with you. We’ve all heard giggling during the spy phase and thought “Ok, I guess Tommen’s a spy…”

Even worse, if I have to turn my head to look around a large table for spies, observant players around me can detect the sound change direction and realize that I am moving my head around. Why else would I be doing that unless I’m a spy? Disadvantage: narrator. Having an app handle this levels the playing field for the poor schlub who normally would have to speak this part.

3. Avoid confusion among the spies. It’s been my experience that newer players and even veterans often don’t realize how many spies they should be looking for and prematurely close their eyes after spotting only one or two spies. This app remembers how many people are playing from the Leader selection phase and uses that info to tell you how many spies you should be looking for. It also reminds you to make sure that all other spies see you. New players often forget which color card is “good” and which is “bad” (being Resistance sounds like it could be bad) so the app also reminds people with a blue card who they are and to keep their eyes shut. I’ve had quite a few games where the cards had to be redistributed because a newbie Resistance opened their eyes.

Really, it would have been good for the company that makes The Resistance to have developed this themselves and give it away for free with the game, like One Night Ultimate Werewolf did. This app certainly isn’t necessary, but it’s nice to have and The Resistance is a game that you can literally play hundreds of times, so I think it’s definitely worthwhile. No current plans for an Android version or Avalon support but as I said in the video, let me know what you guys think and what features you’d like.

***Also I’ll be giving away three free copies of the app to the first three people who retweet the link on @RabidRogue most recent tweet. Only three promo codes available.

You can download The Resistance Companion for iPhone, iPod, and iPad here: The Resistance Companion App Store.

The Resistance Companion launches

10 thoughts on “The Resistance Companion launches

  • August 25, 2014 at 4:04 pm

    Any chance you will update this for the new expansions for The Resistance (Hostile intent++)?

    • August 25, 2014 at 4:28 pm

      Not sure, I’ll have to get the expansions and see if an update is needed. Not a bad idea

      • August 27, 2014 at 1:30 am

        App works great, but there is a small soundglitch. Not breaking the flow, but could be fixed.

        • August 27, 2014 at 8:12 am

          If the sound glitches you’re talking about are the distorted electronic noises, those are intentional. There are actually several “glitches” like that throughout the speaking part. It’s meant to convey the futuristic cyberpunk sort of vibe, where you’re receiving the information over a faulty medium. Most people I’ve polled like it, a few are annoyed by it. Whenever there is a need for a big update I’ll probably make the sound distortions optional.

  • August 28, 2014 at 12:13 pm

    The first one (the loudest…?) is the one I find a bit disturbing. Optional sounds fine.

  • January 20, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    Would you please update this for the expansions? I don’t mind buying a new app if you decide that is the best way to do it.

  • January 21, 2015 at 5:47 am

    Would you consider updating for the expansions? I would not mind buying a new app if you need to rewrite the whole thing.

  • May 15, 2015 at 9:35 pm

    I too I am interested in this app containing hidden agenda and hostile intent narration. I never even felt the need for an app until I got these expansions. There are many more modules and rolls to remember during the narration. If your app contained the option of both expansions it would be an Insta-buy.

  • October 11, 2015 at 4:50 pm

    Hey, thank you for cool app, but when is update for expansions “Hidden Agenda” and “Hostile Intent” coming?
    And also it would be cool to be able to choose Avalon theme.

    If you made this app work with all expansions I think more people would buy it.

  • November 13, 2015 at 3:00 pm

    Arrows for leader selection/random do not appear on iPhone 5s. Makes this pretty useless. Would also be improved if app showed the player board and let you select which team won each round along the way. I was disappointed that it’s functionality needed after the spy acknowledgment. Right now I would not recommend it as it does not do the arrows for leader making it missing key advertised functionality. Please update with improvements as I feel a bit ripped off currently! Thanks for the attempt though!


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